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The Evidence: Performance Effects of the HPO Framework

Since the introduction of the HPO framework in 2007, many organizations have undergone an HPO transformation. Often, an HPO diagnosis marked the beginning of the journey towards high performance. This allowed us to closely study the application and performance effects of the HPO framework in various organizations worldwide. Many of our findings have been published in diverse scientific publications and management literature. André de Waal’s latest book, ‘The 5 Principles of High Performance Leadership,’ describes some performance effects of the HPO framework. Frequently, there is a demand for evidence that working on the HPO characteristics is effective. This article provides several examples.

Since we collected all data from the HPO diagnoses in our HPO database (which currently contains data from over 56,000 respondents worldwide), we were able to confirm that the HPO framework is generally applicable in many different countries and sectors. This can be explained because the HPO characteristics are essentially evergreen general management characteristics. These characteristics are always important for building and maintaining a high-performing organization, regardless of the culture (country, industry, type) in which the organization operates. Managers must always pay attention to these characteristics when determining what actions they need to take to lead their organizations to excellent performance and superior results.

We have also found that some features of the HPO framework (such as agility, empowerment and employee engagement, and performance management) are very relevant in modern management. This is good news because it means that organizations are increasingly aware that they need to manage differently than before to improve their quality and performance and become more attractive to employees. Since 2007, we have mainly conducted longitudinal research: focusing on the long-term effects of applying the HPO framework in an organization.

The table below summarizes the performance effects of the HPO framework:

Organization Sector Effects
ARK Data Centres (UK) IT Doubling of revenue and profit
Atlas Consortium (UK) IT Increased trust between consortium partners, resulting in more error-free delivered products and higher customer satisfaction
ccpc (Zambia) Government Revenue growth of 144% and recognition by the World Bank as one of the best government organizations globally
European multinational Food Clear behavioral changes: more dialogue and information exchange within the organization, a more approachable CEO, and a clearly shared goal
Grohe (Netherlands) Manufacturing/Retail Negative effects of the economic crisis were strongly suppressed, making the organization the number one in the industry
Iringa University College (Tanzania) Education Achieved financial stability; ranked among the top 10 best East African universities; significant increase in the number of students and highly qualified teachers
LIMOR (Netherlands) Healthcare Negative effects of financial expenditure policy mitigated, allowing the organization to perform better than comparable healthcare organizations
Longfellow Benefits (USA) Private Finance Negative effects of economic downturn in the financial sector reduced, allowing the organization to achieve much higher revenue and hire more employees (and also received recognition for this) than comparable financial institutions that were struggling
Nabil Bank (Nepal) Banking Achieved top position in the industry (in terms of financial margins)
neh (Philippines) Food Revenue growth of 300%
Red Bull (Netherlands) Food The HPO framework prevented the organization from collapsing due to rapid growth, not only by guiding the organization’s growth in the right direction but also by helping the organization manage controlled rapid growth
Swagelok, 7 distributors (USA) Business to Business Various distributors experienced (significant) financial growth, while others were able to adequately manage the negative economic conditions in their local markets; also saw growth in the quality of employees and internal organization
Ziggo (Netherlands) Media Doubling of revenue and highest customer satisfaction scores in the industry

Below is a brief description of the performance effects of the HPO framework:

The HPO Center is the sparring partner for organizations that truly want a breakthrough in improving performance. We never tell you what you want to hear but hold up an honest mirror. Based on the scientifically proven HPO Framework, complemented by robust dialogues with your managers and employees. Are you interested, have questions, or want to know more about our experiences in your sector? Please contact Marco Schreurs (or T. 035-6037007).

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