World thought leaders in High Performance



happiness at work model

How to get and keep good people …. by increasing the attractiveness of y...

family business

Family is everything … or is it?

high performance partnership

To boldly go where only a few organisations have gone before: the high ...

transition to HPO

But professor … how do we start the transition to HPO?

High performance … in a developing country … in government … really?

High performance … in a developing country … in government … really?

In the Navy! ... (where the HPO Framework is also applicable)

In the Navy! … (where the HPO Framework is also applicable)

Yes, high performance is also possible in non-profits

Yes, high performance is also possible in non-profits

No longer feeling like Don Quixote

No longer feeling like Don Quixote

Causality was proven: the HPO framework causes better organisational performance and not the other way around!

Causality was proven: the HPO framework causes better organisational per...

BLOG - 2017 - 9 - Reconsidering change management

Reconsidering Change Management

Uber: how an organization with high market value doesn’t necessarily have to be an HPO

Uber: how an organization with high market value doesn’t necessarily hav...


How lucky are you?


High performance appeals to all generations!

supermarket performance

I do my shopping only at high performance supermarkets

Applicability of the HPO framework in non-profit organizations

Excellence in the desert

evidence-based management research

I love evidence-based management research!