World thought leaders in High Performance

HPO Books

Futurize! Dealing with Megatrends and Disruptors

The future will bring only more megatrends and disruptions. With the guidance of this book, which centers around the authors’ years-of-research-backed high-performance organizations (HPO) framework and includes the unique self-assessment tool Futurize! Diagnosis, business leaders and organizations will be prepared and truly ‘future ready.’

This book is a must for management teams, aspiring leaders, and professionals and students interested in the future of work, human resource management, and innovation.

High Performance Managerial Leadership: Best Ideas from around the World

Learn how managers have transformed their teams and companies into High-Performance Managerial Leadershipenvied high-performance organizations in this guide to nurturing successful managers at your organization, informed by the author’s ten-year study of applications of his High Performing Organization (HPO) Framework.

How can an organization learn to perform at a high level? The key is management. Based on years of intensive research and experience, André de Waal’s proven strategy for achieving positive organizational change can turn your company or team into a true High Performance Organization (HPO).

De Waal’s HPO Framework is the only management improvement technique that has been developed on a solid scientific basis, validated through longitudinal site-level research, and developed over years of measuring organizational results. In this book, de Waal focuses on the activities and behaviors of managers in organizations that have successfully transformed themselves into HPOs. The author and his team closely followed and measured organizations that have adopted and applied the HPO Framework over many years, uncovering the secrets to creating successful and transformative managers through the use of HPO coaches, the application of “silo-busting” techniques to spur collaboration, and use of the HPO transformation success wheel.

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What Makes a High Performance Organization

A shortage of time demands a strong focus on what really matters in order to improve the performance of your organization.
To help managers, the HPO Center started a global five-year research project into the success factors of High Performance Organizations (HPOs). The result of this research is the following HPO Framework:

What Makes A High Performance Organization includes many real-life examples from organizational branches, e.g., Finance, Retail, Industry, ICT, High Education and Government, illustrating the workings of the HPO Framework at organizations in Western and emerging markets. Also included are many interviews with HPO leaders, e.g., Microsoft, SABMiller, Svenska Handelsbanken, HP, Unilever, Umpqua Bank, Tata Steel and Air France KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.

Download chapter 1 and 2 of What Makes a High Performance Organization (PDF)

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An HPO book for managers, team leaders and…employees!

This booklet has been written with you in mind. The 35 HPO characteristics are all outlined in this booklet. Reading through this booklet you will soon realize that improving is not necessarily more time consuming, but that it is just about doing your work differently. You will notice that your work becomes more enjoyable because everything you do together fits and works better. We challenge you to make a start on building your own successful team and organization.

In other words, we want you to work for an inspiring and successful organization; but it is up to you to make it happen!

Download the eBook ‘An HPO… what is it?’

Building the High-Performance Finance Function

The finance function can be regarded as the spider in the organizational web, as it has relations with every part of the organization and is also represented on the executive board. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that this function takes the lead by quickly transforming itself into a high-performance finance function (HPFF), serving as a role model for other functions in the organization.

The book Building the High-Performance Finance Function describes the development of the HPFF framework – which is based on the solid foundation of the HPO framework – and explores the experiences, lessons learned, and results achieved by finance functions that have transformed themselves into high-performance finance functions using the HPFF framework. Covering a range of topics such as excellence in finance, dealing with the obstacles when building the HPFF, obtaining budget (time, resources) for the creation of an HPFF, digital transformation of the finance function and the future of the finance function, it is ideal for industry professionals, teachers, practitioners, and students.

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For more information about the HPO Framework, HPO Experts, workshops and our HPO Diagnosis, please contact us ( or T. +31 (0) 35 – 603 70 07).