A Comparative Analysis of Zambian Governmental Institutions Using the HP...
High performance in the Chinese context
Investigating the causal link between a management improvement technique...
Analysing supermarket performance with the high-performance organisation...
Do different generations look differently at high performance organizati...
Analyzing performance in the UAE manufacturing industry using the high p...
Suitability of the high performance organization framework to Egyptian I...
The influence of the UAE context on management practice in UAE business
Increasing customer loyalty and customer intimacy by improving the behav...
Does Investors in People affect organisational performance: a relevant q...
New Public Management Reforms – a relevant issue for the citizens ...
Knowledge Management and High Performance Organisations in the Financial...
The applicability of the HPO Framework in Africa – the case of Fin...
The role of Performance Management in creating and maintaining a High Pe...
The relation between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and the HPO Framewor...
Developing a scale for measuring High Performance Partnerships