World thought leaders in High Performance

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Continuous improvement and innovation: the Crow and the Blue Tit

The Crow and the Blue Tit: Simplify. Improve. Innovate.

innovationThe blue tit and the crow have a rich imagination when it comes to finding new and clever solutions. In other words, they are exceptionally innovative. What makes them so unique is that they can also share ‘life lessons’ with others of their species. With the blue tit, sharing knowledge is anything but power. Crows show how ingenuity, improvement and innovation can contribute to improving performance. Both bird species demonstrate characteristics that an organization requires to be distinctive and show improvement and innovation. All of this is supported by an important characteristic: endless curiosity.

In short: Continuous improvement and innovation

A successful HPO manager always has employees strive to obtain the optimal result and to get the best out of themselves, their colleagues and the organization. This type of manager ensures a distinctive strategy and has everyone contribute to improving, simplifying and coordinating processes, services and products. Continuous improvement and innovation is a challenge for many organizations…but one of the five important HPO success factors!


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